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Lietuvos aklųjų ir silpnaregių 2022 metų golbolo čempionato II etapo varžybos
Vieta: Vilnius, Skroblų 3a, Sporto klubo „ŠALTINIS“ sporto kompleksas
Data: 2022 metų balandžio 09d. (šeštadienis)
Baltic Cup 2023 4th Stage - mäesuusatamine, Eesti MV
11.02.2023 Superslaalom (SSL) U12, U14, U16, Master. SSL seenioride EMV
12.02.2023 Slaalom (SL) U12, U14, U16, Master. SL seenioride EMV
For more information: www.suusaliit.ee
2023 balandžio 20-23 dienomis, Vilniuje, SEB Arenoje (Ąžuolyno g. 7) vyks tarptautinis UNIQLO ITF Futures series vežimėlių teniso turnyras LITHUANIAN OPEN 2023. Turnyre šiemet dalyvauja 44 tenisininkai iš 16 Pasaulio šalių.
Pradžia 10:00 val. (2023-04-21)
Latvijas Automobiļu federācija hosts first FIA Training for Drifting Judges.
The event, partly funded through the FIA Sport Grant Programme, was held from 1 to 2 October and organised by the Latvijas Automobiļu federācija (LAF) in conjunction with the Lietuvos automobilių sporto federacija (LASF) and the Eesti Autospordi Liit (EAU).
Attendees from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia took part in a two-day event comprised of theoretical and practical parts, with the latter segment of the training taking place on track during the final round of the Baltic Drift Championship staged at Riga’s Bikernieki Circuit.
Full event article: https://www.fia.com/news/latvi....an-automobile-federa